Sweet Silence


Wild flowers


Rain showers

Sun light

Darkness creep

Path is steep

Mouth closed

Hands fold

Across my chest

Safe and secure

Stay away from the lure

To open my mouth

SPEAK my truth

TELL my truth

SCREAM my truth.

Heart aches

Pain is furtive like a snake.

Sweet silence devour me.

I will no longer try to plead

Let me sleep

Close my eyes and let me dream

Sweet, sweet dreams of sunlight

Rain showers and moonlight while

Sorrounded by all sorts of wild flowers

Innocence of dreams

I am not worthy

I am damaged

I will shut this out.

I will keep my secret locked

It will not flee.

Just let me be me.

Let me dwell in this inchoate form

Sorrounded by the sound of the storm.

I am safe here.

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